Interview: Oreo the Sweet Bun


Pets, they’re your best friend and confidant. Big or small, fluffy or a bit scruffy, it doesn’t matter, we love them all. They’re there for you unconditionally and the feeling is mutual. Our interview series celebrates this special bond between animals and hoomans. Let the awws begin.

Bunny: Oreo (almost 2 years old)

Alias: Baby

Home: Singapore

Oreo and I met on New Year’s Day 2019 at a local bunny store. I fell in love with her personality the moment I saw her! She was such a sweet, friendly and curious little bunny. She came close to me, allowed me to carry her and even gave me a nose boop which melted my heart. She was only 3 and a half months old at that time, and it was such a nice surprise to know that our birthdays are just three days apart! As you can imagine, I brought her home that very same day. 

It took me a couple of weeks to name her, but ultimately, I chose “Oreo” because of her colour (she is a broken black holland lop bunny) and I wanted her to be always “round and sweet” like an Oreo cookie, which she is!

Oreo is really a sweet bunny and a joy to be with. She is very calm and friendly, and is comfortable around most people. At home, she loves to groom me, snuggle with me and hop into my lap to keep me company. Sometimes, we would even fall asleep together. She really enjoys massages, and my family members will be more than happy to give her massages as they lounge on the sofa and watch television, and she would groom them in return.

Oreo is also a very neat and clean bunny! Grooming her at home is a breeze as she quite enjoys the sessions and stays quite calm. She also keeps her living space clean as well by picking up the hay that is on the ground which makes cleaning up so much easier for me.

And the best thing is, because she is such a chill bunny, we often hung out at cafes (pet-friendly ones), which I love!

Oreo came to me at a time where I was going through some challenges and she was the light and joy I needed to get me through the tough times. I had never experienced such a close bond and friendship with a bunny; I have learnt so much about patience and love from Oreo, and I feel that she makes me a better person and bunny lover. Her 2nd birthday will be coming up soon, and I am planning a celebration for the both of us!

Although I say this to Oreo everyday, I would still want to say “Oreo, I love you very much, and thank you for being the sweet bunny that you are.”

Follow Oreo and her adventures on Instagram here.

Oreo the broken black holland lop bunny

Oreo the broken black holland lop bunny

#QuickFetch with Oreo

Favourite hooman: Her hooman (me!).

Favourite toys or games: Chew toys, like my toilet paper rolls or my straw bed.

Favourite food or snack: Apples!

Prefers to be naked or dressed up: Naked, but ok to dress up once in a while for photos.

Likes: Head rubs, massages, lounging around the floor or on the sofa.

Dislikes: Bugs!