Interview: Milu


Pets, they’re your best friend and confidant. Big or small, fluffy or a bit scruffy, it doesn’t matter, we love them all. They’re there for you unconditionally and the feeling is mutual. Our interview series celebrates this special bond between animals and hoomans. Let the awws begin.

Doggo: Milu (less than 1 year old)

Nickname: Milulu, Milulito and more! 

Home: Toronto, Canada

We got Milu as a surprise for our family and he was so tiny and sweet, but he did miss his family a lot! We came up with Milu's name from the movie Tintin which we are big fans of! We really loved the name and it was perfect for him. Milu is very sassy but he is kind, and always protecting the house! What we love most about Milu is his beautiful eyes and that we get to cuddle him, and he is very fluffy! 

A day in the life of Milu is playing, eating, and sleeping right next to mom to protect her the whole night! But Milu's favourite hooman is his dad, because he loves to play rough with him and he loves to hang out with him. 

Milu is also a people person, he always wants everyone he sees to pet him and play with him. His favourite game is tag and he loves to play it with his sister! He stops all the time and waits for people to pay attention to him! 

The funniest Milu does is stick out his tongue, and he whines and makes funny noises when we talk about him! The most annoying thing Milu does is jump right on us when we are sitting down, he also barks the whole time we eat! 

Our life has changed because we have to pay a lot of attention and time to him but he has made us the happiest family! 

Follow Milu and watch him grow up on Instagram here.